CIESS: Position paper on decent work and SSE.
The International Coalition for the Social Solidarity Economy (CIESS) has published a position paper for the 110th International Labour Conference and the discussions on decent work and the Social Solidarity Economy.
Since September 2021, five of the main organisations representing the SSE on the international scene have decided to join forces within this coalition and have launched the International Coalition of the Social and Solidarity Economy. :The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), the Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF), ESS Forum International (ESS FI), the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF) and the International Association of Mutuality (AIM)
In order to deepen the advocacy efforts for the recognition of SSE, one of the main focus of the coalition in 2022 is the 110th International Labour Conference (ILC) of the International Labour Organisation which will take place from 30 May to 10 June 2022 in Geneva.
As a reminder, an item on SSE and decent work will be included in the general discussions and it is the first time that a spotlight is given to the social and solidarity economy in such an international forum.
In this sense, the International Coalition for the Social Solidarity Economy has published a position paper for the 110th International Labour Conference, of which the following are some key messages:
- The coalition calls for the recognition of SSE organisations and enterprises in order to clearly distinguish them from conventional for-profit enterprise
- The coalition calls for intensified international activities to build alliances and partnerships between SSE organisations and enterprises.
- The coalition urges the ILO to continue promoting SSE within the UN system and beyond.
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For more information, you can find the document here in English (the paper is also available in Spanish and French).
Read more:
CIESS Position Paper for the 110th International Labour Conference and General Discussion on SSE and Decent Work (available in English, French and Spanish)