Cooperative future for Europe
Cooperatives Europe has released its strategy paper «Cooperative future for Europe - will you be part of it? ». The strategy paper is addressed to the next European MEPs to implement concrete measures for the people-centred models in Europe.
The strategy paper calls upon the European Parliament to develop a permanent and constructive dialogue between the European institutions and cooperatives.
Cooperatives Europe is an European cross-sectoral organisation promoting the cooperative business model, it represents over 140 million individual member cooperators, owning 176,000 cooperative enterprises and providing jobs to 4,7 million European citizens.
Cooperatives Europe believes in a strong collaboration between the EU institutions and the enterprises of social economy, in view of the EU elections, Cooperatives Europe suggests a set of recommendations. The organisation is not the only one to call EU to develop a strategy for the social economy, a group of seven organisations made 10 recommendations to strengthen social economy in Europe.