The study about Social Economy and Social Enterprise in the Czech Republic UDK: 172:330.1(437.1), Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University JEP in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, 2004. Read more about The study about Social Economy and Social Enterprise in the Czech Republic
Social economy in the Czech Republic The Union of the Czech Producer Co-operatives, 2008. Read more about Social economy in the Czech Republic
Study of the Infrastructure of the Social Economy in the Czech Republic Nová ekonomika, o.p.s., 2011. Read more about Study of the Infrastructure of the Social Economy in the Czech Republic
Innovation and Employment in Social Services: new opportunities for growth? ” The Czech Republic, just like many other European countries, is facing the challenge of modernising its welfare system by developing social servi Read more about Innovation and Employment in Social Services: new opportunities for growth?